John Doe

Software Engineer

Professional Profile

  • Proven analytical, development and social skills.
  • Fond of learning.
  • Prominent for steep learning curve.


  • Broaden my experience in web development technologies.
  • Acquire wider knowledge of best practices, methodologies and design patterns.
  • Participate and contribute to open source projects.


My expertise

PHP | Symfony2
Highly educated in the above technology stack regarding web development. I almost always write automated tests.


Python | Linux
Experienced with Python from small scripts to fully-blown applications.
Advancedknowledge of the GNU/Linux OS.


Node.js | Backbone.js
Attracted to the above technologies and planning to study them deeper in the near future.

Personal Interests


Biking | Walking
I love excursions by bike and long walks.

Community Work

Local Java Developers Group
The group exists since 2015 and consists of more than a hundred members.
We organize meet-ups and host talks every 3-4 months.

Working experience


Software Engineer

Oceanic Airlines, Full time
Integrate with Global Distribution Systems and Low Cost Carrier content aggregators.
Member of the Alert team responsible to monitor the applications and infrastructure.

Another Position

Some Workplace
Refactoring the existing codebase and improve the performance
of the platform.


Computer Sciences, Algorithms

Foo Training Institude
College major degree.

Systems Science, Systems Engineering

Bar Training Institude
Associate's Degree.


MongoDB for Developers

MongoDB University
A 7 weeks duration seminar about the development of applications backed
by MongoDB. Accomplished with distinction.

Developing Applications For Linux (LFD401)

Linux Foundation
A 4 days duration seminar about how to develop applications
for the Linux environment.